Tuesday, July 29, 2008

CoCo B's at Little Radio - Sunday, August 3, 2008

We're especially thrilled to be playing Little Radio's Summer Camp this coming Sunday, 08/03/08, with Restaurant and Spider Problem. Little Radio's Downtown Warehouse is located at 1218 Long Beach Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90021. Where else are you going to get an open mic from 12pm-3pm, a 30 foot water slide, an 18 foot pool, amazing food from Tagine, free cold drinks and bands!!?!? Click here for Summer Camp photos. Bands start at 3pm.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Feist on Sesame Street

Although it doesn't air until the Monday, 08/11/08, Feist's performance of "1 2 3 4" on Sesame Street surfaced on YouTube recently. She changes the words up a bit to match the teaching values of Sesame Street... And why not go for the elementary school demographic. Regardless, the song is still fantastic. The only question is where's The Count?

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Muslims | Los Angeles By Way of San Diego

Having heard about The Muslims from a few other blogs in recent weeks, we discovered their Myspace is a great place to start. Every song they have up on Myspace (6) are available as a free download and it's well worth it to download all six. Looks like they have an album forthcoming, hopefully sooner than later. They're playing a bunch of shows coming up so check their Myspace for news on that front. RIYL: The Strokes, The Velvet Underground, The Modern Lovers, Jonathan Richman.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

CoCo B's, Emma Stone and GQ Magazine

Every now and then we find out about stuff happening with our little CoCo B's band that makes us go, huh(?), what(?), AWESOME! Check out the above video, this just happens to be one of those things. The GQ.com video features Emma Stone from the movie Superbad, The Rocker, etc.... along with our song "Daytrader."

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Pixies "Velouria" | Bossanova

The word on the street is a lot of Pixies fans were disappointed with the album Bossanova when it first came out. It's too bad, there are some really great songs on there including "Dig for Fire" and "Velouria" (see the above video).

Email: kdoubleco@yahoo.com

Black Swan Runners
CoCo B's
An Aside
Coco B's Cover Art

Free Download
Self-Titled Debut Album
Coco B's Cover Art

Free Download
Basement Songs: The Two EP's
 Coco B's Two EP's

Free Download
"Fast-Trak Holy Nova Symphony" (CD) EP2
 Coco B's / Eskimohunter Cover Art

mp3 - Sooner or Later
mp3 - Big Mistake
mp3 - West of the Ten
mp3 - Modern Lover (Half Tiger Remix)
mp3 - I Live in L.A. (Half Tiger Remix)
mp3 - Holiday
mp3 - Downtown
mp3 - Daytrader (4-Track Demo)