Tuesday, March 16, 2010

CoCo B's "I Live in L.A." Video

If any of you were wondering about the pictures we posted a few weeks ago from what appeared to be Coco B's fun in the snow day, well here's the video for I Live in L.A. which is the result of all our frolicking.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Handsome Furs | Indie Asia: Ep.4 - China's Music Scene

I had thought a new webisode of Indie Asia would come out every Tuesday, but when Tuesday came and went with no new episode, I received an email from someone over at CNN indicating episode 4 would be released on Thursday instead. This one contains some insights into China's indie music scene.

Email: kdoubleco@yahoo.com

Black Swan Runners
CoCo B's
An Aside
Coco B's Cover Art

Free Download
Self-Titled Debut Album
Coco B's Cover Art

Free Download
Basement Songs: The Two EP's
 Coco B's Two EP's

Free Download
"Fast-Trak Holy Nova Symphony" (CD) EP2
 Coco B's / Eskimohunter Cover Art

mp3 - Sooner or Later
mp3 - Big Mistake
mp3 - West of the Ten
mp3 - Modern Lover (Half Tiger Remix)
mp3 - I Live in L.A. (Half Tiger Remix)
mp3 - Holiday
mp3 - Downtown
mp3 - Daytrader (4-Track Demo)